Join us for the next BHA Board meeting on March 28th @ 8:30. Find link and agenda under meeetings tab.


A Knox Box is a small, steel box that is attached to the rear of your address bollard (not attached to your home) and holds a key and information sheet. This box has a secure key, and the only persons with access are the on-duty fire personnel. The Knox Box affords the Department of Public Safety (DPS) personnel access to your home or business in the event of fire alarm activation. 

DPS must gain access to determine if the alarm is a false alarm or not. If there is no one around to let emergency personnel in the home, entry may be required through a locked window or door, which could cause damage to the home or business. The costs of those damages can be expensive and are the responsibility of the property owner. 

These secured boxes can be purchased through the Knox Company by completing the required paperwork. There are two required forms — one from Knox Box and one from BHI Department of Public Safety. Save the expense of replacing a window or door! Click HERE for the Knox Box website and click HERE for the Village BHI Public Safety Knox Box Information Sheet.