The next BHA Board meeting is 3/28/25 @ 8:30am. All are welcome in person or online. Find link and agenda under Meetings.



We love our volunteers! Please click HERE to complete a Committee Volunteer Application.

Bald Head Island is a unique, sub-tropical island and an exemplary work of nature, meriting of our protection and stewardship. The original residents identified the importance of living and playing in harmony with nature. Buying property here means committing to conserve the obvious richness and environmental stability of this sensitive and dynamic coastal barrier island. With careful and competent governance and design, your home can complement and sustain the natural environment. The overarching purpose of the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) and the Unified Design Guidelines is to support the Covenant goal of “enhancing and protecting the value, desirability and attractiveness” of the Bald Head Island properties and maintaining the environment in which they exist.

Click HERE for the Architectural Review page.

Bylaws Charge:

  1. Review and approve architectural and site plans for Association members as authorized by applicable covenants and other legal instruments.
  2. Monitor and verify that new and renovated building plans maintain or improve the aesthetic and design quality of the Island.
  3. Review plans on basis of submission requirements, design integrity and appropriateness as spelled out in the Design Guidelines and addendum(s).
  4. Recommend needed revisions to the Design Guidelines for consideration by the Board of Directors.
  5. Oversee projects specific to this Committee as charged by the Board of Directors.
  6. Review and evaluate projects; provide updates on progress toward stated goals.
  7. Adhere to all procedures, policies and duties as fully referenced in the Declaration.

2024 Committee Members (Section A):

David Pacyna, Chair
Bill Bourne
Steve Davis
Maria Earnshaw
Tim Harris
Pamela Lawrence
Dixon McLeod
Kevin Thomas
Tiffany Williams
Christine Osborne, Board Liaison

2024 Committee Members (Section B):

Terry Steelman, Chair
Mike Herriot
Bob Nixon
Jennifer Pitts
Mark Prak
Jennifer Russel
Andrea Taylor
Gil Wilson
David Wray
John Kinney, Board Liaison

This committee evaluates BHI properties to help ensure homes are compliant with the Community Wide Standards.

Bylaws Charge

  1. Teams of committee members shall make regular evaluations of the neighborhoods in order to permit the BHA to identify properties in need of maintenance to comply with the Community Wide Standards.
  2. The committee as a whole shall seek to view and evaluate or look at photos of all properties that teams have identified.
  3. The committee as a whole should vote on whether or not a property is in violation.
  4. For all properties, for which a violation is found by a majority of the committee, the then current Community Wide Standards procedures should be followed.

2023 Committee Members (To be updated for 2024 soon):

Debra Drumheller, Chair
Christina Cress
Jeff Kenney
Ann Nichols
Holly White
Joe Brawner, Board Liaison


The committee seeks to foster a sense of community by helping to coordinate and promote educational and recreational programs and events for residents. The ER Committee organizes a wide variety of educational and recreational program offerings at the Association Center such as yoga, Pilates, knitting, card making, Community Potluck Dinners, Island Treasures Yard Sale, Veterinary Clinics and more. This committee also organizes the popular Smith Island Social, typically held annually prior to COVID-19.

Bylaws Charge:

  1. To discuss, devise, recommend and/or implement recreation and education programs for property owners, renters and visitors.
  2. Oversee projects specific to the Committee as charged by the Board of Directors.
  3. Review and evaluate projects; provide updates on progress toward stated goals.

2024 Committee Members:

Millicent O'Connor, Co-chair
Kris Riley, Co-chair
Jennifer Lucas
Kim Mulherin
Margaret Pisacano
Elisa Roels
Diana Saklad
Cecilia Thomas
Kristine Webster
Betty Robinson, Board Liaison

The RCB sponsors the Island-Wide Litter Sweeps, as well as guest speakers on subjects such as native plants, butterflies and exploring the viability for deer-resistant plants, plants for birds and wildflowers, etc. RCB Committee volunteers help organize and manage BHA's annual late fall "Operation Re-Forest — We Forest," started in 2019.

Click HERE to view Native Plants for Coastal North Carolina Landscapes.

Click HERE to read about the importance of the Bald Head Forest understory.

Bylaws Charge:

  1. Make recommendations for the maintenance and development of Common Areas.
  2. Use means to control and eliminate litter, i.e., Litter Sweeps.
  3. Oversee projects specific to this Committee as charged by the Board of Directors.
  4. Review and evaluate projects; provide updates on progress toward stated goals.

2024 Committee Members:

Barbara and Dale Giera, Co-chairs
Russell Iannuzzelli
Sandy Kades
Bob McKoy
Mary-Theresa Phillips
Betsi Stephen
Mike Watson
John Kinney, Board Liaison

Bylaws Charge:

  1. Review and advise with regard to the budget of the Association. Submit all recommendations to the Bald Head Association.
  2. Review the annual audit.
  3. Develop fiscal plans to further the long range plan of the Association.
  4. Oversee projects specific to this Committee as charged by the Board of Directors.
  5. Review and evaluate projects; provide updates on progress toward stated goals.

2024 Committee Members:

Paul Carey, Chair
Clayton Hemphill
Robert Iseman
Lisa Lautner
Rick Nelson
Nuno Valentine
Scott Yancy
Betty Robinson, Board Liaison

The LRP Committee reviews and evaluates past long-range plans and summarizes progress toward stated goals. They recommend actions that help fulfill Association purposes and responsibilities.

Bylaws Charge:

  1. Review and evaluate past long-range plans; summarize progress toward stated goals.
  2. Recommend actions that help fulfill Association purposes and responsibilities.
  3. Manage long-term projects as charged by the Board of Directors.

2024 Committee Members:

Greg Wendling, Chair
Annie Baba
Christina Cress
Iain Gray
Cindy Kleeberger
Joel Michaels
Kevin Paley
Bob White
Steve Smalley, Board Liaison

This committee has the crucial job of identifying qualified candidates to run for future BHA Board positions and continue the tradition of strong leadership for the BHA.

Bylaws Charge:
The Nominating Committee shall consist of a Chairperson, who shall be a member of the Board of Directors and four (4) members of the Association who are not currently members of the Board of Directors. The Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the Board of Directors.

2023 Committee Members (To be updated for 2024 soon):
Rick Nelson
Robbie Nixon
Claude Pope
Kirby Ward
Alternate: Matt Scibienski
Joe Brawner, Board Liaison